Watershed & Water Management Sustainable Regional Development
In the domestic field, we provide comprehensive services ranging from surveys, planning, and design of agricultural water utilization facilities to functional diagnostic studies of facilities and formulation of functional maintenance plans and renewal and improvement plans. We also formulate seismic countermeasures and flood control measures for reservoirs and drainage facilities to prepare for frequent earthquakes and torrential rains. In recent years, we have also contributed to the realization of a low-carbon society, harmony with the environment, and the multifaceted functions of agriculture, such as land conservation. In addition, we are contributing to the maintenance and development of agriculture and rural areas in a wide range of ways, such as supporting the utilization of agricultural water utilization facilities and the introduction of ICT through interviews with farmers and facility managers, and providing solution services and management, including analysis and improvement of the business conditions of management organizations.
In the overseas field, we provide comprehensive consulting services for rural community development in general, covering the entire food value chain from agricultural production to distribution, through both the development of agricultural and rural infrastructure (hardware) and the strengthening of farming, distribution, and organization (software) to solve various problems such as poverty and hunger in many developing countries. We provide comprehensive consulting services for rural community development covering the entire food value chain from agricultural production to distribution. We also provide consulting services to support private companies in promoting agribusiness in developing countries. Through these services, we contribute to the achievement of the SDGs "End Poverty" and "Zero Hunger.

Engineering Services
In implementing agricultural and rural development projects, consideration of harmony with the environment, quantification of multifaceted functions such as land conservation, and measures against global warming are required. We are conducting quantitative evaluations of the multifaceted functions of agricultural and rural areas, including the calculation of riparian environmental values using the travel cost method and the climate mitigation function of rice paddies. In addition, as part of global warming countermeasures, we are calculating greenhouse gas emissions and examining reduction measures using LCA methods for dams, headworks, machinery stations, agricultural roads, and other facilities. We are also conducting feasibility studies of small-scale hydroelectric power generation and their feasibility.
In order to properly maintain and preserve key agricultural water use facilities (approx. 45,000 km) and pass them on to the next generation, it is a challenge to extend the service life of facilities and achieve effective use of existing stock. We conduct functional diagnosis and evaluation to properly manage and renew these agricultural water use facilities, prepare functional maintenance plans (preventive maintenance plans), plan and design renewal, and perform other stock management activities.
The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and the torrential rains in western Japan in 2018 caused reservoirs to collapse, resulting in extensive damage to downstream areas. Many of the approximately 154,000 reservoirs in Japan were constructed before the Edo period (1603-1868), before the introduction of modern technology, and there is concern that they may collapse due to disasters such as the frequent guerrilla downpours and earthquakes that have occurred in recent years. Our reservoir-related work includes functional diagnosis surveys to confirm deformations in the levee slopes and intake facilities, and seismic diagnosis of the levees using analytical software." We verify the safety of existing reservoirs through both "on-site" and "desktop" studies, and if the reservoirs do not meet safety standards, we conduct seismic design for countermeasures.
Waterways and other agricultural water facilities are part of the beautiful satoyama landscape and part of the culture. Until now, facility managers have taken on the role of maintenance and management. Now that the value of satoyama is increasing, there is a need to discover the unnoticed value of agricultural water utilization facilities and protect them together. Our job is to devise a new way to interact with infrastructure, "protecting it together," and to create projects that will help revitalize local communities.
We provide comprehensive consulting services covering the entire food value chain through both the development of agricultural and rural infrastructure (hard) and the strengthening of farming, distribution, and organization (soft) approaches in order to contribute to solving social issues such as reducing poverty, improving the independence and livelihoods of rural residents, and alleviating food insecurity in developing countries. We provide comprehensive consulting services covering the entire food value chain through both the development of agricultural and rural infrastructure (hardware) and the strengthening of farming, distribution, and organization (software). Major technical areas include: rural development planning; development, operation, and maintenance of irrigation, drainage, and rural infrastructure; improved farming and cultivation techniques; post-harvest handling and improved agricultural value chains; strengthening farmers' organizations; improved agricultural extension methods; environmental, social, and gender considerations; rural resilience strengthening and climate change adaptation; strengthening local administration and government staff capacity Strengthening of local administration and government capacity and systems, nutritional improvement, rural finance, and private agribusiness support.
We provide consulting services to private companies planning and implementing agribusiness in developing countries. We provide consulting services from the client's point of view, utilizing the networks that Nippon Koei has cultivated over the years, including surveys of local market needs and systems, feasibility studies based on technical expertise, assistance in formulating business plans, consultation and coordination with developing country governments, and on-site demonstration studies. We provide consulting services from the client's point of view.