

1946 June Nippon Koei established in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
1947 June The Kawasaki Plant is established.
Sept. The Sendai Representative Office is established (later promoted to the Tohoku Branch in November 1948 and renamed into the Sendai Branch Office in April 1984).
Oct. The Company changes its name into Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
1949 Oct. The Company acquires a special construction business license and is registered following an amendment to the Construction Business Act in June 1974.
1951 May The Osaka Office is established (later promoted to the Osaka Branch Office in April 1978).
1954 Apr. The Sapporo Office is established (later promoted to the Sapporo Branch Office in April 1984).
Apr. Received order for planning of Baluchaung Power Plant in Burma.
1956 Sept. The Saigon Office is established in Vietnam.
1958 Apr. Acquired Nikki Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(name changed to Nikki Corporation in July 1982)
1961 Jan. The Civil Engineering Laboratory is established in Hatogaya, Saitama Prefecture (later renamed into the Engineering Laboratory in 1962).
Apr. The Jakarta Office is established in Indonesia.
May The Company is registered as a first class architect office.
1962 Sept. The Company is registered to engage in surveying services.
1963 Apr. Shares listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Aug. The Yokohama Plant is established (which is now operated as Yokohama Technology Center).
1964 Dec. The Company is registered to engage in construction consultancy.
1969 Jan. The Fukuoka Sales Office is established (later promoted to the Fukuoka Branch Office in April 1974).
1970 June The Hiroshima Representative Office is established (later promoted to the Hiroshima Branch Office in April 1990).
1973 Apr. The Okinawa Sales Office is established (later promoted to the Okinawa Branch Office in April 2018).
1977 Nov. The Company is registered to engage in the geological survey business.
1978 Mar. New head office building completed in Kojimachi, Tokyo; relocated head office.
Sept. Listing moved to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
1981 Apr. The Manila Office is established in the Philippines.
1982 Apr. The Niigata Representative Office is established (later promoted to the Niigata Branch Office in July 2001).
Apr. The Shikoku Representative Office is established (later promoted to the Shikoku Branch Office in April 2002).
1984 Mar. The Kubota fund is established as a charitable trust, after a contribution from the Company's founder Yutaka Kubota.
June The East Africa Office is established in Kenya (later renamed into the Nairobi Office in November 1997).
1985 Feb. The Company is registered to serve as a compensation consultant.
Apr. Chairman Yutaka Kubota is presented with Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun.
1986 Oct. Koei System Co., Ltd. is established (now a consolidated subsidiary).
1988 Apr. The Company is registered to engage in the measurement certification business.
1989 Feb. The Company is registered as an electric contractor for non-utility electrical facilities.
Oct. Philkoei International, Inc. established in the Philippines.
1991 July The Chubu Office is established in Nagoya (later promoted to the Nagoya Branch Office in July 1992).
Oct. The Hanoi Office is established in Vietnam.
1992 Aug. PT. Indokoei International* established in Indonesia El Koei Co., Ltd.* established.
Oct. The R&D Center is established at Kukizaki-machi (now in the city of Tsukuba), Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.
Oct. El Koei Co., Ltd. is established (now a consolidated subsidiary).
1993 Oct. The Colombo Office is established in Sri Lanka.
1995 July KRI International Corp. established (name changed to Koei Research & Consulting Inc. (KRC) in July 2017).
2000 Oct. The Company's industry category at the Tokyo Stock Change is changed from construction to services.
Oct. The New Delhi Office is established in India.
2001 Oct. The Kojimachi Office is established at Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Dec. As a new plant, the Fukushima Works is established in Sukagawa, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
2003 Feb. The Company is designated as a designated investigation institution pursuant to the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act.
July Nippon Koei Latin America-Caribbean Co., Ltd. established.
Oct. Nippon Civic Consulting Engineers Co., Ltd. becomes a subsidiary.
2005 Mar. Tamano Consultants Co., Ltd. becomes a subsidiary.
2007 Mar. The Middle East Office is established in Jordan.
June Nippon Koei LAC do Brasil Ltda. established in Brazil.
July The Tokyo Branch Office is established.
2008 June Nippon Koei India Pvt. Ltd. established in India.
2010 Sept. NKLAC, Inc. established in Panama (name changed to Nippon Koei LAC, Inc. in September 2011).
2011 Apr. The Bangkok Office is re-established in Thailand.
2012 Jan. Nippon Koei Vietnam International Co., Ltd. established.
Mar. The Yangon Office is re-established in Myanmar.
Apr. The Lima Office is re-established in Peru.
2013 Apr. Myanmar Koei International Ltd. established.
2014 July System Science Consultants Co., Ltd. becomes a subsidiary.
2015 Jan. Kisho Kurokawa Architect & Associates Co., Ltd. established.
Jan. KOEI Energy Co., Ltd established.
Feb. The Company announces the Group Vision and the Long-Term Management Strategy.
July The Company announces the Medium-Term Management Plan (NK-AIM).
Oct. Dhaka Office opened in Bangladesh.
2016 Apr. BDP Holdings Limited, a UK design consultancy company, becomes a subsidiary.
2017 May The Singapore Office is established.
July Koei Research & Consulting Inc. established (Koei Research Institute International Corp. and System Science Consultants Co., Ltd. merged).
2018 Sept. Nippon Koei Bangladesh Ltd. established.
Dec. Nippon Koei Energy Europe B.V. established in the Netherlands.
2019 Feb. Quadrangle Architects Limited, a Canadian architectural design company, becomes a subsidiary.
2020 Apr. Istanbul Office is established in Turkey.
July New head office building completed in Kojimachi, Tokyo (reconstruction).
2021 June The Company announces the Long-Term Management Strategy.
July Pattern Design Limited, a UK architectural design company, becomes a subsidiary.
2022 July Tamano Consults Co.Ltd. take over the company’s Urban & Spatial Development Business through the company split and changed trade name to Nippon Koei Urban Space Co., Ltd.
2023 July Integrated Design & Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd. established. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. takes over consulting business.
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